The Practice Immersion

The Portland Circle is a 3-month deep dive into yourself. It's an immersive mentorship and sisterhood designed to help you live the live you are meant to live. It's a reclamation of your truth, time, and health. Together, in an intimate circle of women, we practice deepening into ourselves and breaking ancient patterns that keep us living from depletion and burn-out.

Offered in person

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You are a powerful woman devoted to your family, work, and community.  You've spent the last chapter of your life living for everyone else, being the good wife, mom, and employee, but it almost killed you. Something has shifted lately, and you are done living this way. You have outgrown an aspect of yourself.  There is an undeniable change. You realize that now is the time to start living the life you truly want.

You are standing at a crossroad, one of those profound moments where you know, deep inside, that if you go back to the way you were, and return to the old ways, you will break. You are desperately excited to meet your true self, and to live a different way. You crave liberation, health, full expression, connection, and purpose. You are done saving people, and ready to save yourself.

Welcome home sister. You are not alone.

There is no other time than now.

discover your true self and find clarity on the next phase of your life

let go of what no longer serves you

Mend and heal patterns and pain from the past

rewire how you see yourself and the world

lead the life that's calling you





“The Practice changed my life because I no longer seek others for my answers, but instead listen to my powerful source of inner wisdom and guidance. As a result of this experience, I'm more grounded and centered in my life and feel I can show up as my full authentic self without worrying what others will think.”  

"This course gave me the courage to finally quit my job, and start my biz"

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What would it take to feel fully alive?

What has been holding you back from living the life you truly want? What are you ready to let go of? What is that aching inside you of you that you can no longer ignore? Together, and with the support of our circle, you will find the courage to set yourself free and release old burdens and ancient patterns. On the other side of letting go is renewal, rebirth, and the space to fully live.

let me ask you a couple questions...

This is your time.

What do you desire to experience in this lifetime?

what have you told yourself you cannot have? what do you really want?

The world tells us we can't be a certain way or live life outside of the rules. Imagine feeling fully liberated as the woman you know you truly are. Imagine breaking out of the cage you've been stuck in and having the space to unfold your wings. Imagine walking with full confidence in your life and not caring what anyone else thinks. Imagine claiming exactly what you want and having the courage to live as your true, untamed, self.

This life you are living is not a dress rehearsal.
It is the main act.

I am a busy woman weaving worlds together everyday. I have two teenagers. I own a business, I have a home, two dogs, aging parents, a partner, and I hold space for many people. Life has challenged me in the deepest ways— death, loss, illness, grief, fear, betrayal, loneliness.

I woke up one day sick and tired and broken from the system and the pressure and the pace the world sets for us. My illness took me down to my knees and made me question everything.

I realized the only way I could heal my body and my grief is if I dared to come to the edge of my own desires and break down the walls that were imprisoning me. I realized the only way I could fully live is to let the parts of myself die that were holding me back.

Today my practice is a dare. I dare myself to do the thing my soul is aching to do. I dare myself to dance and laugh and play and create and allow my daughter to see me having fun. I dare myself to live outside of the confines of suburban life. To rise into my truest gifts and fullest expression and let the whole world see me for who I really am.

And I am here to dare you too.

Hi, I'm Michelle.
I know you because I've
walked a similar path.

The Circle is a 3-month container and catalyst for women in mid-life who are done. Smart, accomplished, spiritually connected women, who have been awakened, and are done living by someone else’s rules. Done following the map our society has laid out for us. Done being quiet, and perfectly kept, and nice, and sweet, and available all the time for everyone else. Done putting yourself last. The Circle is designed to gather women  who want to have a different conversation about womanhood and emerge as their fully expressed selves. Women who know, in their deepest knowing, that there is another way to live, and they are ready to claim it, and lead with it.

The Portland Circle

The Invitation

I am calling together bold, courageous women ready to take risks to build the life they want.

You will leave with a sacred blue-print and a custom guidebook for the next chapter of your life. 

You will travel into the mysteries of your deepest self. You will let go, heal, learn to hear your true voice, and find the courage to live your life from your own wisdom and inner compass. You will take back your authority, and become the leader of your own life. You will color outside of the lines and paint a new vision for yourself. You will connect with sisters and a community that feel like home and that you get to keep forever.

You will know who you are now and where to go next. The Circle will provide you with a sacred practice that keeps you connected to yourself. It will give you a roadmap to follow as you chart a new path forward. It will help you reclaim your own strength and confidence to step into your truth and become fully alive.

The Circle is for women who are no longer effing around. Women ready to live their true and fullest life.

We can't do this sacred work alone. 

Just as in ancient times, when women gathered around a birthing mother to help her bear her child, we need the support of other women when we are in our own rebirth process. We need other women as guides, as mentors, and as a support system to make sure we get where we want to go. We need wise women elders who are a few steps ahead and have already walked this path. We need sacred soul midwives to help us give birth to our true selves.

This is why I created The Practice—to guide women through the rebirth process and the revolution of the self. We are here to support you as you re-envision your life, and The Practice will help you create a sacred blueprint of how to get to the other side. 

here's the thing...

women need other women.

We are here to hold the vision of what is possible for you.

you are the culmination of who you surround yourself with. 

In order to discover our true selves and find the courage to change, we need to be surrounded by other women who are living the life they desire. We need to be inspired, empowered, and uplifted by others walking the same path. When we look at our lives through a more expanded lens we see so many more possibilities.

This is the beauty of The Practice. We are a sisterhood dancing together and uplifting each other through courage and grace. 

It’s a very personal, intimate program that will change the way you think and the way you live your life. During our three months together, I am here as your personal soul midwife to help you birth the fullest expression of yourself that is dying to be born. The community is here to hold you as you transform.

The process is deep, moving, and life changing. It's filled with ceremony, ritual, meditation, connection, and deep reflection. You will be challenged in new ways and guided to a become a new version of yourself. Although it is deep, it is also fun. It is the kind of fun, that only comes with true connection and love for yourself and others.

You’ll receive mentoring from me along the way. You will have a sisterhood to sink into and to help you emerge as your truest self. You will have a safe container to hold you tightly through it all.

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20 years of experience teaching and guiding women back to themselves. I’ve helped hundreds of women to start living deeper, more connected and inspired lives.

An extensive, grounded education. I have a Master’s degree in Holistic Health Education and years of yoga, life coaching, and spiritual training. My teachings and offerings are rooted in scholarship and a broad understanding of women, health, and spirituality. 

Experience with women. I owned and ran a women's healing center for 10 years. I understand women from the inside out. I’ve had the honor of witnessing thousands of women as they moved through their own healing journeys—the grit, the pain, and the beauty. 

My personal journey. I’ve walked my own personal journey from self-abandonment to self-devotion. I’ve lived through grief and hardship as a mother, a daughter, a sister, a wife, and an entrepreneur. I weave worlds together, just like every woman leader I know.

I live The Practice. What I’m teaching is a way of life, and I’m committed to what I teach, both in the circles I lead and in every moment of my personal and professional life. I am committed to listening to my truth and living a life that reflects who I truly am.

What I bring to this program...

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Accept what was and mend the wounds of the past. Allow your body and nervous system to  recover.

 Finally let go of the burdens and patterns holding you back and keeping you living small. 

Explore who you are now and what the purpose of your life is. Break free from the cage you have been living in.

Learn to listen to your inner wisdom and truth, and to honor her guidance and follow her lead.

Get clear on where you want to go and chart a new path forward for yourself.

Emerge and rise as the woman you are aching to be. Stand in your true and full radiance.


Six Pillars of The Practice






“The Practice and Michelle taught me to listen to my body, intuition, and accept me in all my messiness. I learned to love myself deeply and saw the ripples flow out and change my relationships and work for the better.”

- deanna, energy healer

Leave toxic relationships.
Open and close businesses.
Speak  truth to power.

For 12 weeks we weave our way through what I call the Arc of Feminine Transformation™. We let go, we connect with our highest self, and we learn to trust. The Circle marries life strategy and feminine  spirituality. It's a blend of mentorship, sisterhood, and sacred practice. By the end of the 12 weeks you will have a deeper sense of who you are and a sacred blueprint for living a life.

I’ve seen women transform their lives and…

Relocate to a more aligned place.
Heal relationships.
Create boundaries.

How it Works

Break ancient matrilineal patterns.
Write a book.
Heal their body.

chart a new life aligned with their truth.

Sacred Life Blueprint

Each week we meet on Wednesday at 7:00 PM. This is a sacred time carved out just for you. It’s a weekly ritual and touchpoint with yourself. We will learn, reflect, drop into guided meditations, and connect with our sisters through deep conversation. We also offer individual coaching and personal support in these circles. 

What's included...

Weekly Sister circles

By the end of the three months you will have a personalized sacred life blueprint with action steps and clarity for the next chapter of your life. We will walk you through creating your own roadmap for what comes next as you unfold your wings. 

Devotional Retreat

At the end of our journey we will gather together for a day-long retreat in our sanctuary.  This retreat is designed to bring us even closer as a sisterhood and to have a day where we can escape from the pressures and craziness of every day life.

Special Night Out

As part of your journey we will have a fun night on the town. A time to let loose, play, connect and have fun together. Event details will be announced in January. 

Private What's App Group

Stay connected with the group in our private What's App group. This is a place to hang out, chat, and connect in real time. 

Bonus #1

Join us in Her Sanctuary during your 3-months.

As a bonus gift for investing in yourself and showing up in this new way, I want to invite you to join us in Her Sanctuary. We gather for Sunday Service and moon ceremonies via Zoom. 


plus limited time bonuses

Bonus #2

Unlimited Coaching and Support

As an added bonus offering, and to make sure you have all the support you need as you are moving through our journey, I am here for you. If you need support with something along the way, or have a question, all you have to do is reach out.


The Practice Promise...

We promise and guarantee to hold you through your becoming and make sure you emerge as the woman you are called to be.  By the end of the 12 weeks you will leave with a sacred life blueprint for the next chapter of your life. A sacred blueprint is a custom map of next steps for your life and personal codes to live by. If you do not have this by the end of the 3 months, we promise to work with you personally until you do.

“Being in The Practice has created not just ripples, but waves in my life that have resulted in lasting change and life-transformation for me. I saw the power that I host within me when I provided space for self-care, reflection, movement, and constant communion with women. I am forever changed by the work The Practice has offered me.”

- Ayshen, Maternity nurse

We are now enrolling for The Practice Emergence. Apply below for a 45-minute Soul Strategy call and to be considered for the program.

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Success Stories

jackie, women's circle facilitator

“Before The Practice I was exhausted and overwhelmed from years of working in a way that didn’t allow me to be who I truly am. All I wanted to do was run away. 

Yet, as I allowed my true self to emerge I found The Practice calling me on a deeper level. Any fears, shame, or loneliness that I carried around with me were allowed to be witnessed and held without judgment. Any unworthiness or doubt that I felt about myself began to drip away as I opened up and let my voice be heard. My life has been truly transformed because of it. ” 

dina, Writer and yoga teacher

heather, mom and business owner

“The Practice has been deeply ingrained as a piece of my healing.

“The Practice taught me how to hold space for others, and break patterns I don't want to pass onto my daugthers.

I was unsure at first, but in need of connection and community. I wanted a place to call home. Little did I know that The Practice would lead me back home—the home within. The home that never leaves us, we only get disconnected from our truest self. The Practice helped to hold my hand and guide me back home to me, my one true love.”

The Practice was a safe space and container that allowed me to feel, open myself up, and gave me assurance that I was going to be okay. Every time I showed up, I gained more knowledge on how to be a better, more aligned version of myself. I credit The Practice on my journey to becoming a certified yoga instructor, and now a business owner in the yoga space."

This could be you....

akiko, mother and community leader

elsa, teacher and nutritionist

“The Practice helped me sort out my thoughts on my life. It’s been instrumental in my recovery from depression.

“When I first met Michelle, I entered the Practice a tired, resentful woman after years of pushing through the world playing by the old patriarchal rules.

I’m now fearless of sharing what’s on my mind. The fear of being vulnerable is gone. It’s empowering! I love that my restored positive energy is back and is infectious with my family and clients. The Practice is like taking a small vacation every week to make yourself be a better person.”

I emerged a stronger, softer feminine leader. Michelle creates a beautiful and nourishing container that allows each woman to feel safe, to let down the armor and the masks to reclaim the fullness of who you are. She gently but firmly guides you back to your center. In the Practice, I reclaimed my softness, my fiery passion, and deeper trust in myself. Michelle holds the mirror for you to do the same.”

How do I sign up?

I like to know about each woman before she enrolls in The Emergence. This gives me a chance to listen to who you are, what you need, and to make sure this is going to be a great fit for you. The last thing I want is for you to enroll in something that is not going to serve you. To enroll, click on the link to apply, and fill out an application. If your application is approved we will get on a phone call to explore more deeply about what you need and to make sure the program will serve you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the investment for the program?

We offer different payment options for the 3-month immersion. There are various package and bonus options, so the investment depends on what you need to serve you. There are payment plans and savings plans. If you feel called to join us, please apply. The application will give you more information about the payment options, and we will discuss which one is best for you over the phone.

You mention feminine spirituality. Is this religious?

The Practice is not religious. It’s a way of bringing your own needs into focus and listening to yourself. The feminine spirituality that we explore in The Practice is about softening, listening, and deepening into yourself. It’s a practice of self-devotion. In my opinion, it’s something all women need to learn, and it can be practiced alongside any religion or spiritual tradition. The Practice is real-life, practical spirituality that we can weave into our everyday lives.

We welcome women of all backgrounds, abilities, and ages, including women of color, LGBTQ+ women, and anyone who identifies as female.

“I joined The Practice, a circle of women I barely knew, and I felt my boundaries that I had held up all day at work come crashing down. 

I was grateful for this space to bring my tired broken body and heart. I was grateful for Michelle to lead a circle in this way and for the space she created where I could really be me. I internally noticed I didn't have a place to feel my feelings. I couldn't recall when I lost myself, but I was lost.
The circle allowed me to fully enter the dark. I was held in my darkness. The Practice led me to a deep awakening.”

"This course gave me the courage to finally quit my job, and start my biz"

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All the nitty gritty details are on the application.

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